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Are You Experiencing Caregiver Burnout?

The Cariloop Team | November 5, 2021

November is National Family Caregivers Month and let’s face it: caring for others full-time is hard. If you or your employees find yourselves feeling angry or resentful toward the loved ones you’re caring for, you’re not alone. It’s quite common, especially if you are constantly caring for someone else and struggling to stay present at work or care for your own needs. 

Some signs you may be heading toward burnout are: 

  • Feeling anger or frustration toward the person you’re caregiving for
  • Feeling anxious or having trouble sleeping
  • Finding yourself socially withdrawn
  • No longer enjoying the things you used to

While burnout cannot always be prevented, it can be managed.

Sound familiar? If you feel like you are experiencing burnout, try these tips for caregivers from Cariloop Care Coaches:

  • Have a plan in place for common tasks (a childcare plan, a housekeeping plan, a meal plan).
  • Pick your battles – reduce arguments and power struggles by letting minor things go.  Arguments with people who have brain trauma or dementia are often not winnable. Ask yourself how important something really is and then decide if you need to have the argument.
  • Give yourself permission to say yes – when someone offers to help, tell them something concrete that they can do – wash a load of clothes, grocery shop, pick up prescriptions. Most people want to help but don’t know what to do.
  • Try to remember that you cannot get it “wrong,” everyone’s caregiving journey is different. If you try something and it doesn’t go well, take a step back, evaluate and then try something new.
  • Take advantage of resources that are out there for ideas and support. A Care Coach can connect you to resources in your community and virtually.

Cariloop Care Coaches are here to help you and your employees with even the most difficult aspects of caregiving. You don’t have to struggle with feelings of burnout alone. 

Supporting caregivers who are feeling burned out is just one of the ways we seek to relieve the stress and anxiety felt by all caregivers. If you’re ready to talk through what makes Cariloop such a meaningful offering for your employees, schedule a demo today.