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Mental Health Awareness Month Resource Guide

The Cariloop Team | May 6, 2022

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a cause close to us as Care Coaches. In recent years, we have seen the need for mental health support increase among the employees we support. We work with caregivers facing many different types of mental health challenges, including:

  • Parents looking for therapy options for their children or teens
  • Families navigating complex medical challenges in need of specific support groups
  • Caregivers struggling to stay on top of their own mental health who don’t know where to start when it comes to getting help for themselves

When caregivers come to us for mental health support, we provide them with resources that fit their unique needs. Some of the most common things we take on include:

  • Finding and vetting therapy options
  • Explaining insurance coverage for mental health-related care
  • Providing alternative options to traditional therapy options while helping caregivers get on waitlists in their area

Through our years of helping caregivers with mental health needs, we’ve built up a working library of knowledge and resources that we share with our members. We thought we’d share some of those here:

What is Mental Health Awareness Month?

If you’re looking to learn more about the importance of mental wellness, these articles explain why we should care and how we can take action. 

The World Today

Understand how different communities and groups are tackling mental health struggles and finding solutions. 

Talk to Me

If you enjoy a good podcast, these discussions from professionals in the mental health field offer a variety of perspectives.

Getting Booksmart

If you’re a bookworm like us, here are a few books that dive into topics that affect millions of people every day. 

*All links listed are external resources not sponsored by or affiliated with Cariloop. Cariloop does not receive incentives for providing these links.

Supporting caregivers with mental health-related needs is just one of the ways we seek to relieve the stress and anxiety felt by all caregivers. Let us know if you’re ready to talk through what makes Cariloop such a meaningful offering for your employees.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (1- 800-273-TALK). Starting July 16, 2022, calling or texting 988 will also be available for crisis intervention or free emotional support. The helpline is open 24/7.