Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees, Caregivers and Families

The Cariloop Team

June 1, 2022

For many employees, the ability to ensure the health, wellness and protection of their families hinges on the benefits provided by their employer. A benefits package that fails to account for the diverse ways employees create and define what “family” looks like to them is one that allows a wide range of family structures to go overlooked and underserved. For LGBTQ+ employee caregivers and their families, this gap in support is profound.

The overwhelming majority (73%) of employees are also juggling caregiving responsibilities. LGBTQ+ people become caregivers at a higher rate than their non-LGBTQ+ peers, and are often left without the support of paid leave, health insurance coverage and other benefits that frequently require legally defined caregiving relationships that don’t reflect the experiences of many LGBTQ+ families.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community have long been faced with the challenge of navigating employee benefits that fail to include chosen families, unmarried partnerships and other caregiving relationships. As of 2021, LGBTQ+-identifying employees are thought to make up at least 5.9% of the U.S. workforce, and LGBTQ+ caregivers make up 9% of caregivers in the United States.

LGBTQ+ employees who feel represented and protected by their employer are more likely to remain in their roles and show increased engagement and productivity.

Prioritizing inclusivity in the workplace benefits employers and employees alike—and examining your benefits package is a critical place to start or continue your LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts.

Cariloop’s Caregiver Support Solution provides dedicated support for LGBTQ+ caregivers and their families as part of our mission to relieve the stress and anxiety of all caregivers.

Here are some of the promises we make to employers and employees that are critical for any inclusive benefit to offer:

LGBTQ+ employee caregivers can access individualized support

Employees are able to connect with a Care Coach who will provide individualized support for their unique circumstances. No matter the employee’s background or family structure, a qualified Care Coach will help them find answers and resources that cater to their unique needs. This can include helping them understand how to use their other employee benefits, finding affirming doctors and care providers, providing local LGBTQ+ resources and support groups, finding LGBTQ+ trauma-specific mental health resources and more.

LGBTQ+ employee caregivers have a Safe Space

While there are laws in place to protect LGBTQ+ employees in the workplace, studies show that roughly 46% of individuals choose not to disclose their orientation or specifics of their gender identity to their employer. Working with a Care Coach allows LGBTQ+ employees to address their care concerns specific to these areas of their identities in a private, non-judgmental space. Our Care Coaches value the privacy of our members and create a safe space for them to get the help they need without disclosure to their employers.

LGBTQ+ employee caregivers have dedicated Care Coach support

A qualified Care Coach is ready to meet LGBTQ+ employees where they are in their care journeys and provide meaningful support that fits their needs. Employees can reach out for help, assured that a qualified Care Coach will provide judgment-free guidance through a culturally competent lens. No caregiver concern will ever be too big or too small. 

The impact of Caregiver Support on LGBTQ+ employees and their employers

When employees are supported, they are able to be more productive at work and more present at home. An inclusive caregiver support benefit can be the difference between being able to remain in the workforce or not, which is crucial for LGBTQ+ employees already disproportionately facing the strain of both caregiver stress and workplace discrimination.

Cariloop helps alleviate an average of 60 hours per year from caregivers’ plates by assisting with tasks such as finding and vetting healthcare providers and mental health resources, navigating insurance or finding options for specialized care within the employee’s neighborhood. All caregivers and families—including LGBTQ+ employees and their loved ones—stand to benefit from dedicated support in their corner.

The diverse needs of your caregiving employees require inclusive benefits that don’t leave LGBTQ+ employees and families behind. For more on the Caregiver Support services we offer LGBTQ+ employees and their families, view our LGBTQ+ Support Flyer.


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